15 Fascinating Human Anatomy Facts Infographic

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Your body is an amazing machine. Here are some fascinating facts about it:

* You're born with 300 bones, but as you grow, they fuse together, leaving you with 206 bones in adulthood.
* Your jaw muscle, responsible for biting and chewing, is the strongest muscle in your body.
* Your body emits a faint glow due to bioluminescence, though it's invisible to the naked eye.
* In a lifetime, you produce enough saliva to fill a small swimming pool, around 21,000 liters.
* The liver is a remarkable organ capable of completely regenerating itself, restoring its original size within a few weeks.
* The smallest bones in your body are located in your ear, so small that they could all fit on a penny. These tiny bones are crucial for hearing.
* Earwax serves a vital purpose, cleaning and protecting your ears from bacteria.
* Your eyes are incredibly sensitive, able to detect the light from a candle flame over 1.7 miles away.
* Your sense of smell can trigger powerful memories and emotions. Women generally have a keener sense of smell than men.
* Your tongue print is unique, just like your fingerprints, making it impossible to forge.
* Sneezing might be your nose's way of restarting itself, expelling harmful particles.
* Your body contains over 100,000 miles of blood vessels.
* The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve metal.
* Your pinky finger plays a crucial role in hand strength, contributing about 50% of your overall grip.
* You shed approximately eight pounds of dead skin every year. These cells contribute to the dust in your home.


