Organic Vs. Gmo Foods

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Eating organically has been an increasing trend over the past decade, but often, consumers don’t know what constitutes organic food, and what does not. They may not also know the advantages and disadvantages to eating organic as opposed to eating conventional foods, such as the increased risk of foodborne bacteria or the conservation of soil. The differences between organic foods and more conventional foods can often seem subtle, but there are several different criteria that go into the term “organic”, and must be in place for a food to be labeled as “100% organic” or even just “organic”. Unlike the term “natural” which holds no regulatory weight, organic farmers must follow a strict set of guidelines in order to be considered organic. Although more cheaply produced, conventional foods can carry ecological risks, such as superbugs that have become resistant to traditional insecticides.

Organic Foods Offer Health Benefits And Sustainability While Gmo Foods Focus On Crop Yield And Pest Resistance. Explore Organic Vs Gmo Foods.


