How Would The World Change If Every Girl Was Educated?


Did you know that 77.6 million girls around the world are not enrolled in school? Education brings hope and is a proven path for a better future. Yet despite this certainty that education is essential, girls and women around the world today are routinely denied access to a basic education. Sometimes this is due to cultural traditions and values; at other times itÂ’s the result of difficult practical tradeoffs made around basic needs. When you educate a girl, however, you can break cycles of poverty in just one generation. For instance, when 10 percent more girls go to school, a countryÂ’s GDP increases on average by three percent. Also, children born to educated mothers are twice as likely to survive past the age of five.

Imagine The World Empowered By Universal Education For Girls Leading To Economic Growth, Improved Health, Gender Equality, And Sustainable Development.


