55 Jaw Dropping App Usage Statistics in 2022 Infographic

Source: techjury.net

Mobile apps make the world go round today. The ubiquity of these neatly packed applications in our lives will only keep growing in the near future with app revenues inching close to $200 billion within the next two-three years.

  • In 2020, the average smartphone user had 40 apps installed on their mobile phone.
  • 18 to 24-year-olds spent 66% of their digital media time using smartphone apps.
  • 87% of smartphone users spend their mobile time on apps.
  • The global mobile gaming market was set to reach $165.9 billion by the end of 2020.
  • These are some impressive numbers, right?
  • In March 2020, TikTok was the most downloaded non-gaming app with over 115.2 million installs.
  • In 2020, the average smartphone user had 40 apps installed on their mobile phone.
  • 89% of smartphone users’ time is spent on just 18 apps.
  • 70% of mobile app users will abandon an app if it is taking too long to load.
  • 53% of your site visitors will leave if your site takes longer than 3 seconds to load.
  • If your app takes a whole lot of time to load, now is the best time to put in the effort and ensure a faster load time.
  • Consumers are expected to download 258.2B mobile apps in 2022.
  • Global app downloads across the Apple App Store and Google Play surpassed 113B in 2018.
  • The two largest and most popular markets for mobile apps account for a little over 55% of all app downloads.
  • The top 3 apps stores in terms of the number of apps available are Google Play, the Apple App Store, and the Windows Store.
  • In 2020, Tencent controlled the Chinese app market by 26%.
  • As you may know, there’s no Google Play in China.
  • Google emerged number one, ahead of companies like Apple, Windows, and Amazon.
  • The Amazon App Store had about 460,000 apps in early 2021.
  • Tencent App Store had slightly over a quarter of the Chinese app market share in 2020.
  • Gaming is the most favorite category on the App Store.
  • TikTok generated the highest amount of revenue out of all apps in 2020.
  • Nearly 35% of millennials consider Amazon the most essential mobile app.
  • The application got 850 million downloads, ahead of WhatsApp’s 600 million and Facebook’s 540 million.
  • The average cost of a non-gaming app on the App Store is $0.91.
  • On average, a non-gaming application on the App Store will cost you close to $1.
  • Gaming apps have a median price of $0.49.
  • Apple's App Store and Google Play collectively made $111 billion in 2020.
  • Google One generated the highest amount of income on Android during the same year.
  • Between 2021 and 2025, the mobile app market size will grow by almost $654 billion.
  • In-app advertising will reach $280 billion in 2022.
  • 94% of App Store revenue in the US goes to just 1% of publishers.
  • In Q1 2021, consumers spent $22.2 billion on mobile apps.
  • The money came from in-app purchases on freemium apps or buying premium games.
  • In Q1 2021, spending on gaming apps was $22.2 billion.
  • 42% of small businesses have their own mobile app.
  • 83% of B2B marketers say mobile apps were important to content marketing.
  • Only 65.7% of users in the US have even one gaming app on their phones.
  • 21% of downloaded apps worldwide are accessed only once during the first 6 months of ownership.
  • Nearly a quarter of all apps, especially free ones, are downloaded, used once, and then ignored till they get uninstalled to create memory space for a new download.
  • Some users tend to open a single app ten times a day.
  • Some users tend to open a single app ten times a day.
  • 39% of all smartphone users surveyed for a study on mobile app usage in 2018 listed social media apps as their most frequently used.
  • The use of social media and messaging apps is much higher among millennials.
  • People in the 18-44 age group spend more than 50% of their digital time on mobile apps.
  • About half of the smartphone users in the US do not download even a single app in a month.
  • The need to be mobile responsive is clearly understood by marketers today, but this major skew towards app usage should encourage businesses to invest in meaningful apps of their own.
  • The next three categories are music, multimedia, and gaming.
  • Users spend an average of 4.2 hours on apps per day.
  • Users spent an average of three hours daily on applications in 2018.
  • Android users tend to use over 30% more games than iPhone users.
  • The most popular app accounts for less than 20% of app usage time.
  • Google Play has nearly twice as many app publishers as there are on the Apple App Store.
  • The number of publishers in each app store reveals its adoption rate and how attractive and lucrative for app developers a specific store is.
  • The average time spent by each visitor is about 16 times higher on mobile apps than on mobile websites.
  • 70% of millennials are more likely to be on the lookout for new apps.
  • About 70 to 75% of users in the 55+ age group seem to be satisfied with the apps they have.
  • 21% of millennials deleted a mobile app because the app logo didn’t appeal to them.
  • 18% of smartphone users move an app to the home screen because of its looks.
  • According to another study, the most popular color for general apps is blue, while red is the color of choice when it comes to food and beverage-related apps.
  • Perhaps some companies need a better logo maker.
  • 76% of millennials would find their phones useless if there weren’t any apps on them.
  • 63% confess to feeling the need to check app notifications immediately.
  • Data usage is the prime factor for 37% of millennials in deciding if they like an app.
  • 25% of smartphone users delete apps because of a lack of storage space.
  • Almost a quarter of the users in this survey also cited large app size as a reason.

55 Jaw Dropping App Usage Statistics In 2022 Highlighting Trends In Mobile App Engagement And User Behavior For Enhanced Digital Marketing Strategies.

