The Business Of Girl Scout Cookies


3. The naming of the cookie depends on which bakery it comes from Cookies are baked by 2 licensed bakeries: or While defended as a skill building exercise for girls, the "skills" girls learn through the Girl Scout cookie program certainly have an annual payoff for the organization: 4. In 2010, some three million girls sold 198 million boxes for a record $714 million in cookie revenue to support Girl Scouting. Source: Girl Scouts of the USA 4. Some girl scout cookies get retired. Presumably because they are the least popular. Still, each cookie has its diehard fans. Click here for a list of some of the ones people miss the most. 5. The current record is 17,328 boxes in a single year by a single girl scout Jennifer Sharpe, age 15, of Dearborn, Mich., holds the record for most cookies ever sold, with 17,328 boxes in 2008. Of the $21,000 her troop raised to go on a 10-day tour of Europe, $14,000 was due to Sharpe. 6. Girl Scouts as a political litmus test? As of 2005, 71.5 percent of women in the U.S. Senate and 67.1 percent of women in the House of Representatives are Girl Scouts alumnae. 7. Girl Scouts earns $37 million in membership revenue fees, but over $714 million from cookie sales

The Business Of Girl Scout Cookies Explores Cookie Sales Fundraising Marketing Strategies And Their Impact On Leadership Skills For Young Girls.

